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Yingshan tea, a type of green tea, is produced in Yingshan County, Hubei Province, China. This tea has a long history, dating back over 1,600 years, and is known for its unique flavor and aroma.Main Heading: Yingshan Tea ProductionSubheading 1: History of Yingshan tea
Yingshan tea has a long history dating back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD). It was initially called "Hua Zhu Cha" and became famous for being a tribute tea during the Song Dynasty (960-1279).Subheading 2: Tea plantations in Yingshan County
Yingshan County has a favorable climate and rich soil, making it an ideal place to grow tea. Most of the tea plantations are near the Honghu Lake, where the water and soil are particularly suitable for growing tea.Subheading 3: Production process
The production process for Yingshan tea involves several steps. First, the tea leaves are plucked and then withered in a cool and dry place. Next, the leaves are carefully twisted and rolled by hand to bring out their flavor. Finally, the leaves are baked at a high temperature to stop oxidation and enhance their aroma.Subheading 4: Annual tea production
Yingshan County has established a complete tea industry system, and tea production is a vital part of its economy. The county produces over 10,000 tons of tea annually, with an output value of more than 700 million yuan.Subheading 5: Types of Yingshan tea
Yingshan tea comes in different varieties, including Huangshan Yingshan tea, Qiyang Yingshan tea, and Qingxin Yingshan tea. Each type has its unique flavor and aroma.Conclusion:
Yingshan tea is a premium green tea that is enjoyed by tea lovers worldwide. Its long history, favorable growing conditions, and excellent production process make it a unique and well-loved tea variety.。



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