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是VV的歌avril lavigne有知道告诉下!~谢谢!~


Avril Lavigne - Complicated

Uh huh, life's like this生活就是这样

Uh huh, uh huh, that's the way it is 那是它是的方式

Cause life's like this生活就是这样

Uh huh, uh huh that's the way it is 那是它是的方式

Chill out安静

whatcha yelling' for? 你在笑什么

Lay back回想

It's all been done before 我们都做了些什么

And if you could only let it be 如果你放轻松,

You will see 你会看见

I like you the way you are 我喜欢你和你的方式

When we're drivin' in your car 当我们做在你车里时

And you're talking to me one on one你同我一遍又一遍的诉说

But you've bee 但是现在你变了

Somebody else round everyone else 跟其他人没有区别了。

You're watching your back 你时刻注意你的形象,

Like you can't relax 总是很拘束。

You're tryin' to be cool 你想装酷,

You look like a fool to me 但在我看来你却像一个傻瓜。

Tell me 告诉我

Why you have to go and make things so plicated?你为什么让事情变的这么复杂?

I see the way you're acting 我能看出你在伪装

Like you're somebody else gets me frustrated 这让我烦透了。

Life's like this生活就是这样,

And you fall and you crawl and you break 你会跌倒,你会挣扎,你会崩溃,

And you take what you get 你想得到你想得到的

And you turn it into honesty 你要接受现实

You promised me你答应过我

I'm never gonna find you fake it

No no no

You e over unannounced 没有事先通知你就来了,

Dressed up like you're someone else 打扮的象另外一个人,

Where you are and where it's sad you see 你就像一出悲剧。

You're making me 你装出很酷的样子,

Laugh out when you strike your pose 却让我大笑不止,

Take off all your preppy clothes 脱掉你那身怪衣服,

You know you're not fooling anyone 你知道你骗不了任何人。

But you've bee 但是现在你变了

Somebody else round everyone else 跟其他人没有区别了。

You're watching your back 你时刻注意你的形象,

Like you can't relax 总是很拘束。

You're tryin' to be cool 你想装酷,

You look like a fool to me 但在我看来你却像一个傻瓜。