

zhiyongz 8个月前 (05-01) 阅读数 #虚拟现实

斯坦利诺贝尔(诺奖得主斯宾塞:推进人工智能在国家内部和全球经济中的可获得性和扩散) 第1张

4月29日, 诺贝尔经济学奖获得者 Michae l Spence (迈克尔·斯宾塞 ) 出席了“2024中关村论坛——金融科技平行论坛”,并通过视频录像发表了主题为“人工智能对世界经济的变革性影响”的演讲。




斯坦利诺贝尔(诺奖得主斯宾塞:推进人工智能在国家内部和全球经济中的可获得性和扩散) 第2张










这都意味着什么呢? 第一个观察是,很难找到一个经济领域,一个知识经济领域,其中没有重要的、可能改变整个地球的突破性人工智能应用。我的观点,也是普遍的观点是,至少有潜力出现一次非常巨大的、长期的生产力提升,这将对增长、供应链、增长的资源约束模式产生影响。



目前阶段为何如此重要? 至少在中国,存在总需求不足的暂时性问题,而全球许多经济体则受到供给受限的增长模式困扰。这些问题源于许多因素的共同作用,包括生产率下降、人口老龄化、劳动力减少、不断上升的抚养比、劳动力短缺、关键就业部门的多元化和碎片化成本高昂,以及全球供应链中源自多重来源(包括气候、疫情、金融危机和地缘政治紧张局势)的严重冲击。



举几个例子, 斯坦福大学的埃里克·布林森(Eric Brinelson)和他的同事们对人工智能在客户服务中的应用进行了研究,这是全球一个非常大的就业领域。基本上,人工智能通过数千小时的客户服务、客户互动、音频记录以及绩效指标的训练,学会了如何适当地做出回应,从而创造了一个强大的数字助手,作为客户服务代理的助手。他们把这个工具交给了一部分客服人员试用,对其他客服人员则没有提供。





















Greetings, colleagues and friends, Im Michael Spence. Im grateful to the organizers of ZGC forum this year for giving me the chance to speak with you as part of this years very rich program.

My subject today, is the transformative economic impact of the revolution in artificial intelligence, in which we find ourselves in the early stages. GenAI is generated a huge amount of interests globally, and an equally large amount of investment. I think there may be elements of excessive optimism, especially about the timing of the arrival of large impacts on economies, societies, financial systems, and so on. But I have a slightly longer time horizon. I dont think anybody knows how fast this is going to occur. But I want to focus on the economic and welfare potential of GenAI before we get there. I think its worth noting that there were a set of important breakthroughs in the past 15 years in artificial intelligence, not all of which fit the category head under GenAI we had in the earlier days. Speech recognition, handwriting recognition, lip reading, which was extraordinary set of achievements, and then a very big and important set of breakthroughs in image and object recognition with a huge host of applications, that we are now seeing coming to fruition.

In spite of the progress of the AI, including image recognition and so on, AI dont yet have a human like ability to process very complex, rapidly evolving visual environments with no latency. Thats a relevant subject for later discussion that has to do with the relationship between humans and robots and human robotic collaboration.

There were other breakthroughs, Alpha Fold, product of Deep Mind, now part of Google in determining the three dimensional structure of proteins with reasonable accuracy. Using the amino acid sequence that defines a protein that work was successful and has now been used to predict the three dimensional structure of approximately the 200 million known proteins, and then published as an open source database.So the biological community globally can use this as a productivity enhancer in their own research.

Then there was winning the games of Go, which many people have different opinions about the importance of that. But the learning that went along with developing an AI was extremely important. In many cases, now, AI exceed human performance. Human performance is usually the benchmark by which we assess AI.

Well come back to that because theres a kind of hierarchy of AI from superhuman to subhuman with roughly at a par with human, and they all have their uses. But why is GenAI potentially such an important development? From an economic and financial point of view, there are two or three characteristics that are really important. I think of GenAI as large language models and just to be concrete for the really the first time has what you might call a domain switching capability or an ordinary language. It knows what the subject is without being told. It has a human like ability to understand the context of a conversation, no matter how complex, which I think is a step in the direction of artificial general intelligence, even if it takes us a while to get there.

So you can talk AI about the Italian renaissance and inflation, early Russian literature, computer coding, and ask it to do math problems, and it doesnt have any trouble going along with you and to respond appropriately. In some cases, with sort of surprisingly insightful and clever results. Second is accessibility. You dont really need technical training to use it. And thats because it essentially talks our language and understands in the same way we understand using language. So ChatGpt had a hundred million users in the first 2 months that just never happened before. What does it all mean?

First observation is that its very hard to find a part of the economy, the part of the knowledge economy that where there isnt an important set of potentially transformative applications of the whole planet play of breakthroughs in AI and so my belief and one that is widely shared is that theres at least the potential for a very huge, extended productivity surge, which will have impacts on growth, supply chain, supply constraint patterns of growth. James Manic and I made this argument, and wrote a paper on foreign affairs late 2023 on the economic potential of AI. But the main point is, it looks like a super general purpose technology that can be used in the knowledge economy, pretty much everywhere. And the knowledge economy is everywhere. We associate it with sectors like technology and finance, management, computer coding, et cetera. But in fact, the knowledge economy is everywhere. Theres important parts of the knowledge economy in hospitals and what doctors and nurses do and so on. And in all of these cases, you can find powerful digital assistance, both to in individuals and the systems that have as at their core, i.e. the GenAI capabilities.

Why is this so important at current stage?

Theres at least a transitory problem of insufficient aggregate demand in China, whiel much of the global economy is suffering from a supply constrained patterns of growth. These are the result of a lot of things coming together, declining productivity, declining productivity, aging, declining labor forces, higher and rising dependency ratios, labor shortages, in key large employment sectors, expensive patterns of diversification and fragmentation in global supply chains that are the result of severe shocks with multiple sources including climate pandemic, financial distress, geopolitical tensions.

And finally, we have a pattern that Ive tried to identify, which I call the fading of the powerful deflationary forces that were associated with that period of hyper globalization and very rapid emerging economy growth. Its like what I call a kind of Lewis Turning Point in the global economy when all of those things come together. The effect is that we have new inflationary pressures that we havent had for three or four decades, rising real interest rates, declining fiscal space, debt distress in a number of places.

And alongside of that, the need for very large investments in the energy transition, in pursuit of sustainable growth patterns. Whats the best anecdote that we could possibly have if somebody gave it to us to deal with all these things, excessive burdens on the young associated with aging and et cetera.

The answer would be, a period of very high, sustained productivity growth, and the most powerful tools we have to engineer that are very prominently in the area of the current and future generations of artificial intelligence. The question is, are we going to take advantage of this? A number of steps are required to do that? Let me mention a couple of examples.

There was a study done by Eric Brinelson and his colleagues at Stanford of the application of artificial intelligence and customer service, application or industry sector, which is a very large employment sector globally. Basically, AI was trained on literally thousands of hours of customer service, customer interactions, audio recordings, along with performance measures. And it learned how to respond appropriately, which created a sort of powerful digital assistant as an assistant to the customer service agent. They gave it to a subset of the customer service agents and knocked others and tested it.

The two conclusions emerged immediately. One, there was a very large productivity increase overall on the order of 14%. And the second one, tells you something about artificial intelligence is if you looked at the impact on performance of the less experienced customer service agents, the impact was even larger on the order of 35%.

With the benefit of hindsight, its fairly easy to guess that what the AI is doing basically is capturing the learning that is associated with customer service, customer interactions, what works and what doesnt, and then delivering it back in a usable form.

So the net effect of that is a kind of leveling up effect, getting a noticeable impact for the experienced agents and a much bigger impact for the less experienced and impacted. But the main point of that story and many others like it is that the right model, notwithstanding a very powerful tendency to believe that this is really just all about automation and getting rid of human beings. The right model is the powerful digital assistant.

Some things will be automated when the machines are better at it. Like summarizing patterns that they finds in very large collections of data, in this case,audio recordings. But that doesnt mean youve written a human being out of the script, as opposed to giving the human being or even a full system a powerful digital assistant. Digital assistants are benchmarked against human performance is a perfectly natural way. Theres nothing wrong with this to get to assess how much progress weve made. But this does lead to a kind of automation bias. And the reason is that once AI passes the average human performance. The tendency is to think why dont we get rid of the human and just use the AI. It takes a little bit of careful thought to realize thats probably not the right answer unless youre thinking about very partial aspects of automation.

AI’s come at all levels. The superhuman ones can do things that human beings just cant do in sort of recognizing patterns and their implications in vast quantities of data that are involved. High speed calculations of at a level that we just cant accomplish. So thats a subset. Theyre very important. And in that area, we will see augmentation, but it will be augmentation not by replacing humans. It will just adding something.

Then theres not a set of things that they do on a par with humans. Theres another subset that I want to just spend a minute on which AI dont really quite measure up to the kind of human performance that we would hope for, but are still potentially very useful. The general heading here is inclusive growth patterns.

Some researchers have determined that using images of skin cancer to train AI can actually detect skin cancer. Are they as good as the dermatologists that you visit regularly? If you were prone to this kind of problem, the answer is probably no. So my students normally think thats not very interesting. It was nice try, but we didnt make it. But the problem is that its not the right way to think about it. There probably is 85% of the worlds population that doesnt live near a dermatologist and cant get the first best version of the treatment. But if AI is reasonably good at detecting skin and cancer from images that are just taken with an ordinary mobile phone, you could very easily have a significant increment to the preventive health care by giving people signals that are good enough to trigger a response and get them to get on a train and go 80 kilometers and visit a dermatologist before its kind of too late.

Theres a lot of applications in credit and finance in e-commerce and so on. That have to do with inclusiveness of growth patterns where you can extend the range of service enormously with AI-powered algorithms. And I think its important not to let the benchmarking be the determination of what the economic application is.

Finally, Im going to conclude by saying a few words. Theres an enormously complex policy agenda associated with this. Some of it is associated with preventing destructive or damaging misuse, e.g. disinformation, campaigns, fraud at a massive scale.

Theres concern about jobs. Will we have enough jobs? On my side, this is a longer argument, but I’m not too worried about the net average, a problem with job loss. I dont think well have a problem generating work for people, but at a more microeconomic level, it will be very disruptive. It will change work and skills. There will be some occupations that decline and others that grow.

And those are not easy transitions for people. And there is a role for government and for policy in easing and making and accelerating. Those transitions in a way that they dont produce both economic damage at the individual or household level, at the level of the worker on excessive anxiety.

Theres a big issue of copyright protection. The GenAI models just vacuum up enormous and vast quantities of data and Information of writing and creative work in various areas. And the original creators of that work need to consider some kind of protection in terms of property rights. This is a very hard problem and it is a work in progress. But it can’t be simply ignored on the positive side. If were going to get the productivity surge, we need accessibility and diffusion within countries and eventually in the global economy. And that takes government and public policy to get there. And I dont have any doubt that well have very advanced sectors.

The tech sectors finance will probably move fairly fast. Various parts of management will move quickly, especially among the bigger firms that have the resources to explore and experiment with this. But the question is, are we going to get it across the economy and set into sectors that tend to lag in terms of digital adoption?

In small and medium sized businesses that dont have the massive resources available? We really need to address that problem, not just from an inclusion point of view, but because we wont get the productivity surge. If the impact only comes in a few may sectors that where its very likely that itll get adopted anyway.

We need policies that are designed to increase to make diffusion work, to make accessibility easier and so on. And again, thats the positive side of the policy agenda.And Im worried, at least in the west at the moment, the policy agenda is very heavily weighted toward what you might call preventing the negative side, and not so much weighted toward accelerating and ensuring we get the positive side.

But to summarize, I think we have been given for whatever reason by the scientific and technological community, a set of tools that are accessible for the most part can be made widely available that have a huge economic and social and medical and educational and other potential.

It was in the early stages of intense exploration and experimentation. Its very hard to know exactly how this will play out over time in detail. But it certainly looks like the potential is enormous, so itll be an exciting decade to be involved in all of this.

Finally, just let me mention that the progress in AI is far from over. I think we will see more breathtaking breakthroughs that come within an expanded set of potential. For example, we seem to be in the early days of the intersection of artificial Intelligence and biomedical science. If thats true, it will turbocharge the revolution in life sciences thats already underway. So bottom line is one can spend hours on these things, but I hope Ive made a pretty convincing case that this is going to be one of the positive driving forces in the global economy, certainly in the United States. And I think the other major player in artificial Intelligence is obviously China.

Its in a pretty difficult world with slowing growth and lots of things that are making life more difficult and reducing economic performance. This seems to me the bright light thats pushing us in the opposite direction.

Thanks very much.(本文首发于钛媒体APP,作者|颜繁瑶,编辑|刘洋雪)





