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一)一般现在时。(do/does, am/is/are, 情态动词)

一般现在时表示的是客观事实或平时反复做的事情通常有频率副词always,usually,often,sometimes,seldom,once a week,every day等。

如:The earth goes around the sun.

Japan lies east of China.

He is never late for school.

He often gets up at six every day.

Cats can climb trees.

I hear they have moved into a new house.

He writes to his father once a year.


如:My plane leaves at 6:00 a.m..

Is there any meeting today?

The game starts at 8:00.

(二)现在进行时。(am/is/are doing)


如:Look! The boy is dancing.

He is watching a football game.

What are you doing now?

They are preparing for the exam recently.


如:He is always working late.

Why are you always making this kind of mistake?

He is continually getting into trouble with the police.

后面接暂转动词时表示正在反复的动作,或表示将来时(一般只有go, come, leave和have)

如:The monkeys are jumping.

They are hitting the tree.

表将来:We are going swimming this afternoon.

They are leaving here.

They are having an English class tomorrow.


He is doing his homework until his parents come to take him home.

He will do his homework until his parents come to take him home.

注:表示知觉、感觉、看法、认识、情感或愿望的动词和大部分暂转动词不能用现在进行时,如:see, hear, smell, taste, feel, like, hate, dislike, want, love, hate, want, know, forget, remember, understand, believe, suppose, mean, wish, hope, need, believe, refuse, suppose, have, fit, seem, fear, own等


现在完成时中用瞬间动词表示说话时已经完成的动作,而且这个动作对现在还有影响,句中的时间副词主要有already, yet, now, by this time, by now等;用延续动词表示过去已经开始持续到现在而且还有可能继续持续下去的动作,句中的时间副词主要有this week, in the past/last/recent few years, since…, for…。

如:He has already finished his homework.

He hasn’t arrived here yet.

They have been here for ten years.

He has waited here since he came

(四)一般将来时。(will/shall do, am/is/are going to do, am/is/are doing, am/is/are about to do)


如:He will come back in two days.

When will he give the book back to me?

It’s going to rain.

We are going to hold a sports meeting next week.

They are leaving for New York.

He is about to leave.

(五)一般过去时。(did, was/were, 情态动词过去式)


如:He went to school by bike yesterday.

We had a good time last night.

He could count to 1000 when he was three.

He was a teacher before.


如:He said, “I did it yesterday.”

→ He said he did it the day before.

today → that day

yesterday → the/a/one day before

the day before yesterday → 2 days before

last week → the week before

2 weeks ago → 2 week before

tomorrow → the next day/the day after或one/a day later

the day after tomorrow → 2 days after/later

in a week/next week → the next week

in 2 weeks → 2 weeks after/later

(六)过去进行时。(was/were doing)


如:He was reading newspaper at seven yesterday evening.

The Smiths are watching TV at nine last night.

When he got home, his mother was cooking.


如:I was studying English in London from 1990 to 1992.

He was washing the dishes from seven o’clock to seven thirty.



如:The train had left before she got to the station.

They had learnt 2000 words by the end of last month.

He had been a doctor for 3 years before he came here.

He got back the book that he had left in the classroom.

No sooner had he got to the cinema than the film began.

Hardly had he got to the cinema when the film began.


如:He locked the door and went away.

Mr.Smith went to the market, bought some flowers and went to see his friends.

He sent a telegraph home before he left Paris.

(八)过去将来时。(would/should, was/were going to do, was/were doing)


如:They were going swimming when I met them.

He said he would go to New York.

Yesterday he said it was going to rain, but it didn’t.




如:He has been painting the house the whole morning.

They have been promising us to rise our salary these years.

They had been doing their homework for 3 hours before I came.

I asked him what he had just been doing?

He had just been sleeping before I got there.


如:We will have learnt 3000 English words by the end of next term.

They will have finished it by 12:00 tomorrow.


如:We will be sleeping at this time tomorrow.

She will be waiting there at 8 a.m. if you ask her to.



1. 现在时态(Simple Present Tense):表示经常性、习惯性、现在的动作或状态,例如:I eat breakfast every morning.(我每天早上吃早餐。)

2. 现在进行时态(Present Continuous Tense):表示正在进行的动作,例如:I am eating breakfast right now.(我现在正在吃早餐。)

3. 过去时态(Simple Past Tense):表示过去发生的动作或状态,例如:Yesterday, I watched a movie.(昨天,我看了一部电影。)

4. 过去进行时态(Past Continuous Tense):表示过去某个时刻正在进行的动作,例如:I was watching TV when my friend called.(我朋友给我打电话的时候,我正在看电视。)

5. 将来时态(Simple Future Tense):表示将要发生的动作或状态,例如:I will eat lunch tomorrow.(明天我将吃午餐。)

6. 将来进行时态(Future Continuous Tense):表示将来某个时刻正在进行的动作,例如:I will be eating lunch at 12 o’clock.(中午12点,我将正在吃午餐。)

7. 过去完成时态(Simple Past Perfect Tense):表示过去某一时间之前已经完成的动作或状态,例如:By the time I arrived, everyone had already left.(当我到达的时候,每个人都已经离开了。)

8. 过去完成进行时态(Past Perfect Continuous Tense):表示过去某一时间之前一直在进行的动作或状态,例如:By the time I arrived, they had been waiting for two hours.(当我到达的时候,他们已经等了两个小时。)


1. 一般现在时被动语态(Simple Present Tense of the Verb “to be”):




请问这道英语题为什么选B,助动词已经表明了时态后面不是接原形吗I didnt know who 迹川管沸攮度归砂害棘 the man and the woman over there A.are B.were C.is D.was 正因为didnt表明是一般过去时态,所以后面由who引导的宾语从句的迹川管沸攮度归砂害棘时态也一定是过去时态,所以选择B

you are always walking like this. 英语中 always +进行时表示什么时态?

还有,like this在句子中做什么成分啊? be always doing srh总是做某事 根据语境可表示赞扬也可表示责备you are always walking like this. 你总是这样走。


希望能写的清楚点 第一行:will be; have has been 第二行:will do ; have has done


过去式和现在完成时不知道该何时用,譬如,你才刚刚起床?是不是就用一般过去式就可以了。在表示什么人或事已经怎么样的时候用现在完成式,我这样说对吗? 现在完成时强调事情的结果对现在还有影响一般过去时只是说明这就事发生过了


请问这道英语题为什么选B,助动词已经表明了时态后面不是接原形吗I didnt know who 迹川管沸攮度归砂害棘 the man and the woman over there A.are B.were C.is D.was 正因为didnt表明是一般过去时态,所以后面由who引导的宾语从句的迹川管沸攮度归砂害棘时态也一定是过去时态,所以选择B


希望能写的清楚点 第一行:will be; have has been 第二行:will do ; have has done