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Those of us who grew up with English as our first language have been exposed to idioms and idiomatic expressions for most of our lives. They may have confused us a little when we were children
but explanation and constant exposure not only increased our understanding of them
but likely drew them into our own vernacular. If you’re in the process of learning the English language
you may e across some of these and not be entirely sure what they mean. Here’s a list of 20 that you’re likely to e across fairly often:
1. A Chip on Your Shoulder
this doesn’t mean that you’ve dropped part of your snack. To have a chip on one’s shoulder implies that the person is carrying around some grudge or bad feelings about something that happened in the past… like having walked through the wreckage of a building
and ended up with a chip of that building stuck to them for years afterward.
这可不是说你掉了一点儿零食。"To have a chip on one's shoulder" 指的是一个人对过去发生的事情怀有怨气或不良情绪......就像是走过建筑物的残骸,而接下来的几年中建筑物的碎屑仍粘在身上。
2. Bite Off More Than You Can Chew
Like taking a HUGE bite of a sandwich that will fill your mouth up so much that you can’t move your jaw
this idiom implies that you’ve taken on more than you can handle successfully. An example would be agreeing to build ten websites in a week when normally you can only handle five.
3. You Can’t Take It With You
You can’t take anything with you when you die
so don’t bother hoarding your stuff or not using it except for "special occasions". Live now
because all your stuff is going to be around long after you’re gone.
4. Everything But the Kitchen Sink
This implies that nearly everything has been packed/taken/removed. For instance
if someone said: "The thieves stole everything but the kitchen sink!" it meant that they took everything they could carry; it’s damned hard to remove a sink and carry it around.
这指的是无所不包。例如,如果有人说:"The thieves stole everything but the kitchen sink!"指的是贼把能搬的东西都搬走了;很难卸下水槽并随身携带。
5. Over My Dead Body
When the only way you’ll allow something to happen is if you’re no longer alive to stop it.
6. Tie the Knot
To get married. This is left over from the old tradition of handfasting
wherein the hands of the bride and groom would be tied together with a length of ribbon to symbolize that their lives were fastened together permanently.
结婚。这是从婚约的古老传统遗留下来的,新郎和新娘的手用缎带系在一起, 代表他们的生活永远地系在了一起。
7. Don’t Judge a Book By Its Cover
Things aren’t always what they appear to be at first glance
so it’s a good idea to give something a chance
even if its ouard appearance isn’t immediately attractive.
*The exception to this might be actual books that have hideous covers: those tend to be terrible all around
and in cases such as these
it’s best to contact the author or publisher and remend a good graphic designer.
8. When Pigs Fly
This means never. Pigs aren’t about to sprout wings and take flight anytime soon
so if someone says to their kid that they can get a forehead tattoo when pigs fly
it’s not gonna happen.
这意味着不可能。猪不可能在短期内长出翅膀飞起来。 所以如果有人这样对孩子说, 当猪能飞时就能在前额上纹身,意思是这样的事是不会发生的。
9. A Leopard Can’t Change His Spots
Basically: you are who you are. Just like a leopard can’t concentrate really hard and change the pattern on its skin
people can’t change who they really are at heart.
10. Wear Your Heart on Your Sleeve
To freely show and express all of your emotions
as though your heart were on the outside of your body.
11. Bite Your Tongue!
Stick your tongue beeen your teeth (gently)
and then try to speak. You can’t say a word
can you? To bite one’s tongue means to stay quiet: literally to hold the tongue still so it can’t make a sound.
把舌头放在上下牙齿间(轻轻地),然后试着说话。你一个字也说不出来,是吧?To bite one's tongue指的是保持安静:字面意思是让舌头静止不动,这样不会发出声音。
12. Put a Sock In It
The idea behind this is that if you stuffed a sock in your mouth
you’d be quiet… so if you tell someone to "put a sock in it"
you’re telling them to shut up.
意思是如果你的嘴里塞了一只袜子,你就会安静下来......所以如果你对别人说"put a sock in it"
13. Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
If a couple of dogs had been fighting and are now sleeping peacefully
it’s best to just leave them alone. The idea behind this one is to avoid bringing up old arguments so they’ll just be argued about again.
14. Foam at the Mouth
To hiss and snarl in anger like a rabid dog (whose mouth would be foamy as he jumps around like crazy and tries to bite people).
15. A Slap on the Wrist
A very
very mild punishment. To be slapped on the wrist doesn’t hurt much
and isn’t a deterrent from mi *** ehaving again.
16. You Are What You Eat
This is the idea that everything you eat influences your health and well-being. If you eat nothing but junk food
you’ll end up unhealthy and malnourished
so be sure to eat a well-balanced diet.
17. It’s a Piece of Cake!
…meaning that it’s incredibly easy. No-one has a difficult time eating a piece of cake
do they?
18. It Takes Two to Tango
A person can’t dance the tango alone
nor can they fight by themselves either. If an argument has occurred
there were o people involved
so o were responsible.
19. Head Over Heels
To be incredibly excited and joyful
particularly with regard to being in love. Imagine someone so happy that they do carheels down the street: like that.
20. An Arm and a Leg
When something is so ridiculously expensive that you might have to sell your own body parts in order to afford it
it’s said to cost "an arm and a leg".
当有些东西贵的离谱时,你可能得卖到身体的一些器官才能买得起。这就是说成本是"an arm and a leg".



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