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点先分到? 唔会纯靠感觉啩?: (Definition of "Quite" in Cambridge dictionary: 1) a little or a lot but not pletely I'm quite tired but I can certainly walk a little further. There was quite a lot of traffic today but yesterday was even busier. 2) pletely Are you quite sure you want to go? The colours almost match but not quite.The o situations are quite different.) Let us see 'quite' as having a meaning within a continuum beeen 'pletely' and 'pletely not' exclusively. i.e. It is more than 'pletely not' and less than 'pletely'. e.g. pletely not tired(not tired)<----------quite tired------------< pletely tired (1) In the first sample sentence "I'm quite tired but I can certainly walk a little further."
'quite tired' does not mean pletely tired because 'I can certainly walk a little further.' Here 'quite' me 'to a considerable extent but not pletely' so that I can still walk.---- 'quite' is closer to the 'not' end of the continuum of meaning. In the other sentence "There was quite a lot of traffic today but yesterday was even busier." 'quite' also me considerably. (2) In the sample question "Are you quite sure you want to go?"
the meaning of 'quite' inclines toward pletely. Within the continuum of meaning
it me 'to the greatest extent' in contrast to the meaning 'to a considerable extent but not pletely' as in (1). 'Quite sure' or 'to the greatest extent sure' justifies your intention to go. ---- 'quite' is nearly the same as 'pletely'. Similarly 'quite' me 'to the greatest extent' in the other o examples. So "The o situations are quite different." me "the o situations are greatly different" and "The colours almost match but not quite." me " the colours almost but not pletely match."
参考: dictionary.reference/browse/quite?db=dictionary
真系要话比你知系纯靠「内容」,因为要看这个adv对所讲述的东西的作用和所讲的东西对全句的用意。 试下把例句作分析 1. quite tired是描述tired,所以正如中文说「有点儿」累才会用「有点儿」,假如是「非常的累」是不会用「有点儿」这个副词,所以其实系累(这种状态)的各种描述惯性用词控制了quite的解释。 2. quite a lot of...a lot of已经是很多的意思,前面再加一个副词加强这描述,便不可系「完全」的意思,因为如此便表达「完全的很多」没有在意义上产生帮助,唯有解作「甚...多」才能发挥它的作用。 3. quite different中different不同已经定立主因,副词是作为增加语气,其实还有其他对different的副词作比较,totally
equite实际上是最少比对的一个,可译作「相当」不同的意思。 4. quite sure亦是由增加sure的语气角度来了解这副词的用意,你是想问人是否「肯定」,所以必然是问是否「非常」或「完全」而不会问人你是否「甚为」或「有点」肯定。 5. almost...but not quite系一个通用的谚语,quite要对比的是almost,almost是差不多,即系唔系(not)完全(quite)一样(the same)。 希望你可以看出唔系靠quite个字本身决定点解,系个quite所帮助(副)的内容(adj/noun)决定作样看它的意思,是对比相对的东西,还是对比增强东西的绝对意思。
Quite 字的字义可说是 "百搭"
你不必着重 Quite 字本身的解释
你要看 Quite 字在句子中的角式而去决定它是作何解! 若首先决定一个英文字的解释
用此法学英文便行不通了! 唔会纯靠感觉啩? 不是感觉不感觉
是看 context 去决定! e.g. Pretty 作何解? 是美丽吗? What about.... You are pretty ugly! 那么你到底是靓定唔靓?
参考: 想当然
用广东话,quite 是「都几」。 例如你说 I'm quite tired but I... (我都几疲倦,但我...) 另外一句:Are you quite sure you want to go?(你都几肯定你想去?) 至于是 a little 或 pletely,纯粹是睇整句的意思而定。就如上面这两句,你用广东话讲时你会是甚么意思呢?
It is not mon for QUITE to mean COMPLETELY. NOT QUITE me NOT COMPLETELY. Usually QUITE me VERY. Are you quite sure you want to go?好似英国嘅英文。美国人唔会讲。我认为意思系pletely但系如果只系very嘅话,意思其实唔系好唔同 The o situations are quite different. 呢度我唔同意,我话意思系very different唔系pletely different。
参考: American