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英语学习资料:芭比与魔幻飞马之旅 Barbie And The Magic of Pegasus



 Annika! Happy Birthday!



The princess is missing! The princess is missing!


There are easier ways to introduce yourself. Here, let me help you.

Oh, don't be afraid.

Don't tell me you're cold.

A cold polar bear?

Do you have a family?

Well, now you do. My name's Annika.

And I think I'll call you... Shiver.

Annika? Is that you?

- Ah... Mother! - Oh! You're safe, safe!

- What happened? We've been looking everywhere for you. - I'm fine, Father, really.

We were worried sick. How many times have we told you, don't leave the castle...

without our permission! - It was just skating.

- Again? - Well why do you always worry so much? Nothing's going to happen to me.

- A bear? - I made a friend. Isn't she adorable?

Ooo... such a cute little face. But it could bite you, or scratch your eyes out.

And the germs? Have you even thought of all the germs it might have?

This is what es from leaving the castle.

Well what do you want me to do? Sit in my room all day?

- Yes! - I'm not a baby anymore.

We know, we know, it's just that...

I'm sorry. Your Mother and I can't take this constant worrying. Our job is to keep you safe.

And there's only one way to do that. No more ice skating!

- What? I love skating. - It's for your own good.

Father? Mother, please!

It's not fair! You don't understand anything!

You're ruining my life.

How could they do this to me on my birthday?

I never get to have any fun. Never.

They worry about every little thing.

I see you're as upset about this as I am.

Come here, you.

Somebody's having fun on my birthday.

Why not. Shiver, what do you say we go to a party?

Is it alright?


- Your Highness? - Hello. What's your name?

- Eric. - Well, Eric, will you skate with me?

Oh, please, don't stop.

No! Annika.

She is the most beautiful girl in the land.

So, geous, where have you been hiding?

Who are you?

- Come on. You're not serious. - Sorry to burst your bubble.

Beautiful and fiesty. Love it. Allow me to introduce myself.

- Wenlock. Your future hu *** and. - Hu *** and?

I'm offering you the once in a lifetime opportunity to be my bride.

Your bride?

No! Let her be!

Well, well, what's it been? 16, 17 years? How's royal life these days, Pops?

- Leave us alone, Wenlock. - Please, please spare her.

Are you telling me what to do? Have you fotten what happened to your other daughter?

Other daughter?

Go, Wenlock, now. You already have a wife!

I did. Three, in fact. One more beautiful than the next but so annoying.

Time to move on. And here's the lucky girl.

- I don't think so. - Eh... wrong!

But you get one more chance.

- Petrify them! - No, stop.

Petrify them all.

- Stop! You can't do this. - Funny, I just did.