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(1) 吹长笛,讲运气 To blow the flute
it requires the use of breath. (2) 中六合彩,靠运气 To win the Mark Six lottery
it depends on luck. 第一句的「运气」,是指「运」用「气」力,而第二句的「运气」,则是指幸「运」的「气」数。
(1) 吹长笛,讲运气 - Playing concert flute demands fine breath control. (2) 中六合彩,靠运气 - Winning Mark Six really depends on one's luck. 2009-03-11 09:58:03 补充: 吓,投票呀?咁真系要talk the luck至得囉 <:P
参考: 我搓咗my best 咖喇 ~_^
1. playing the flute is about luck 2. to win the lottery
depends on luck.
it is........ (1)Plays the flute
speaks the luck (2) Liuhecai
depending on luck i think i can help you!
Luck is necessary in playing the flute. Luck is necessary in drawing a prize in Mark Six.
参考: me
the flute
luck in the mark six lottery
参考: 字典
Luck is necessary in playing the flute. Luck is necessary in drawing a prize in Mark Six.
1Luck is necessary in playing the flute. 2 Luck is necessary in drawing a prize in Mark Six.
(1) 吹长笛,讲运气 (2) 中六合彩,靠运气 (1) Luck is necessary in playing the flute. (2) Luck is necessary in drawing a prize in Mark Six. Hope I can help you^_^
参考: ME